Digital Video Production & Editing - PSA Project
Public Service Announcement
Duration: :30, :60, or :90 seconds.
Application of Research, Creativity, and Visual Communication Skills
Project Overview
Students will research, develop, storyboard, film, and edit a :30 :60 or :90 second PSA video commercial. The commercial should be as creative and persuasive as possible and incorporate some of the techniques discussed and demonstrated in class. Students should avoid the "cheesy skit" production as well as any simplistic or unrealistic "re-enactments". The medium of film should be used to create something unique and interesting to a very specific target audience. The goal is to reach the target audience in a way that makes them want to take action or change the way they think about the topic or issue. "Promote/encourage the positives in your community/world or prevent/ help fix the negatives"
Check out the "Ad Council" Web site for more examples and inspiration.
Watch the unique recycling & seatbelt safety PSA's below:
Checkout the student project PSA's below:
Project Stages & Instructions
Stage 1 - Development
Step 1 - Every Student must complete the google classroom research & development form for their own PSA idea.
Think of as many community topics or issues that you care about.
This could be a community problem, health issue, or promotion of a charity, positive behavior etc. - Complete the PSA Research and Planning form found on google classroom.
Step 2) Every Student must complete a full storyboarded version of their best PSA commercial idea using flip boom allstar 2.0.
Storyboard your best PSA commercial idea using Flip Boom All Star
Create a new file and call it: R#P# your last name , PSA Storyboards
12 frames = 1 second of finished film. So draw then duplicate as needed.
Storyboards must contain the following informationin order to receive all 50 points:
Visual Description - Sketch out what we will see through the camera lens. (10)
Text - A written description of what will happen in the shot. (10)
Specific Location - Where exactly will the shot take place? (10)
Duration - After editing, how many seconds will this shot last in the final cut? (10)
Type of Angle - Wide shot, close up, etc. (10)
= 50 points (total)
* Blue arrows indicated camera movements (if any) - pans, zooms, tilts)
* Red arrows indicated character/object movement direction
When finished, click on the popcorn button and choose the blue Q (quicktime) cup.
Make sure it is properly named as indicated above and then Save/export it to your desktop.
(Suggested but not required - you can bring that file into FCP and add sound effects/voiceover /music etc.)
Then turn it into google classroom
Stage 2 Production - You should take part in at least 1 (but you may do more) filmed and edited 30 or 60 second PSA.
If you are filming at home using your own equipment (iPhone, video camera etc.) , you can film whenever you want but note that storyboards still must be turned in at some point to receive credit for them. *Note that phone tripod adapters are available on a first come first serve basis.
If you are filming at school or using school cameras, , you can only begin filming after storyboards have been submitted you are given the approval by Mr. Matuch.
KEY PROJECT CONCEPT: Know who your specific target audience is. You need to understand who are they and how they think in order to effectively communicate with them through your PSA. Your group needs to ask and answer the following questions :
A) "What do you want the target audience to do as a result of seeing your campaign?"
B) "Why do they not already do what you want them to do?" (i.e. Pet Shelter Adoption, Volunteer, Donate Money etc.)
C) "Why do they do want you don't want them to do?" (i.e. Bully students, smoke, drop out of school, etc)
D) "Where do you want them to go for more information?" Find a valid site or phone number where you will direct your target audience to go. The site should be specifically geared to the target audience. ("Teen suicide prevention should lead to a teen friendly and focused site for that age group, not just a general adult suicide prevention site).
E) "What are you going to show them that will be effective in achieving the desired response from your specific target audience?"
Stage 3 PRODUCTION (Filming should be a fairly quick and efficient process if adequate planning has been done. If you film more than 1, the one with the highest grade will be counted and the others will be given extra credit.
- You may film at home whenever you want using your own equipment.
- You may film at home with school checked out equipment only if prior plans have been met with your teacher and the group plan forms have been completed. Last second requests may be declined. 24 hour notice please.
- iPad/iPhone/Smart phone tripod mounts, Tripods and and external mics are available for checkout with 24 hour advance notice as well.
* Remember, location permission forms are required in advance to film in locations beyond the digital film room, digital film hallway.
* "Winging It"and lack of preparation should not be evident. If so, it will result in a loss of points - see the rubric! Be prepared with location forms, props, wardrobe, and well rehearsed actors who know what they are expected to do. Let any teachers or adults know what you expect them to do in advance.
Stage 4 Editing
Edit in Final Cut Pro and submit a :30 or :60 or :90 second PSA commercial to google classroom.
For free music and video resources, check out audio blocks, and
For Video blocks you need to click on IP Authorization at the bottom of the login screen in order to download.
Stage 5 Submitting Your Project - Follow the exporting instructions and submit to google classroom.
Click below for EVALUATION CRITERIA/RUBRIC (Note: Time Limit is :30 or :60 or :90 seconds
Click below for EVALUATION CRITERIA/RUBRIC (Note: Time Limit is :30 or :60 or :90 seconds

psa_2018_rubric.pdf | |
File Size: | 42 kb |
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Blank storyboard template - download and print as needed. .pdf | |
File Size: | 29 kb |
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location_permission_forms_good.pdf | |
File Size: | 29 kb |
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